Japanese Mandala+Glossary

  • Japan’s Ryōkai (Ryokai) Mandala
    Ryōkai = Two Realms = Diamond World and Womb World

    There are numerous mandala forms in Japan, but the most widely known is the Ryōkai MandalaJumps to our Mandala Glossary Page 両界曼荼羅 (Mandala of the Two Realms or Two Worlds). This famous mandala pairing is represented by the Taizōkai MandalaJumps to our Mandala Glossary Page 胎蔵界曼荼羅 (Womb World, Matrix Realm) and the Kongōkai MandalaJumps to our Mandala Glossary Page 金剛界曼荼羅 (Diamond World, Adamatine Realm). As a unified set, the pair embody the central devotional images of modern Esoteric practice in Japan. The Kongōkai MandalaJumps to our Mandala Glossary Page is associated with wisdom (chi 智), while the Taizōkai MandalaJumps to our Mandala Glossary Page is associated with ultimate principle (ri 理). Below, on this page, we present graphical layouts and descriptions for each of the principle mandala sections and related deities. Jump to Kongōkai Layout | Taizōkai Layout


    Mahavairocana : Urbuddha - Non-Dualität - Einheit Heilig und Profan - Buddhaschaft in diesem Leben
    Vajradhatu : 5 Dhyani - Buddha s - Emanationen des Samadhi
    Garbhadhatu ( Taizo-kai Mandala ) : ...